We offer several ministries that meet the needs of women of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. Our women’s ministries exist to reach and disciple women to fully know their value, to understand and enjoy their relationship with God, to have authentic community with one another, and to learn to live the abundant life!
We believe that women are at the very heart of God, that He values each and every one. We believe God has a destiny and potential for each young lady, each woman, from the day she is conceived until the day she takes her last breath.
Opportunities for Worship Connections and Service for Women:
- Ladies Quilting: Each Tuesday at 9:00 am, women of all ages meet for quilting and fellowship in the Quilting Room. Many stay for lunch and continue quilting throughout the afternoon. The quilting ministry of First Assembly provides quilts to the needy, missionaries and others.
- Ladies Fall Retreat: Each September our women meet with hundreds of other ladies across the state for the district wide Ladies Fall Conference. This is a time of renewal and refreshing. The ladies worship, shop, and enjoy spiritual renewal. The conference is usually the third weekend in September.
- Bible Studies: The ladies of First Assembly host a Bible Study in the Spring and Fall. In the past, they have used curriculum from author Beth Moore. These Bible Studies provide great opportunities for getting to know one another and learning God’s Word together.